Drinking roundup makes guys live longer!

Myles Power likes to share his love of science by blogging and making videos about ‘fun with Science!’ Ha also debunks bad scientific claims, and has recently turned his attention to genetically engineered crops. Take a look at this video, where he addresses the frequently promoted and criticized 2012 Seralini study. In it, he points out that the only actual correlation in Seralini’s rat mortality data suggests that males who drink roundup live longer lives, among other odd things about the paper.

Want to see more? He has also blogged about GMO rice, claims of Bt crops and Leukemia, proposition 37, cookie-cutter anti-GMO “research,” and public opinions about GMOs. He also addresses his critics, and discussed the Green PolkaDot Box’s odd claims about GMOs. Worth checking out!
Naturally, drinking roundup will probably not make men live longer, and that’s the point.

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