Congratulations to our student champions

Merry Mou won first place in the Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship. 700 to 900 students participate with their research projects in a variety of categories, including physics, biology, and computer science. Winners are chosen to go on to state and national competitions.
Merry Mou won 1st place in Botany in the 2010 Championship for her project, Phenotypic and Genotypic Analyses of Oryza Sativa T-DNA Lines, which was completed in the summer of 2010 as part of the Young Scholars Program under the guidance of postdoctoral fellow Manoj Sharma. She will be participating in the California State Science Fair in May.

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Malinee Sriariyanun is the winner of this year Kinsella Memorial Prize for her work on AX21. This is a tremendous honor as only one graduate student from the whole college receives this award.
The award committee commented that her research discoveries were substantial and served all of the desired aspects of the mission of the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis. She has made a huge contirbution to our research. See her dissertation talk here. She has been fearless in her research and kind to all her colleagues. I have been very lucky to have her in the lab.
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Congratulations to Malinee and Merry. We look forward to following your careers in science.